LETTER: Murder present in more than abortion
February 11, 2003
This letter is in response to Nathan Borst’s Feb. 6 commentary, “Choices abundant in pro-life argument.” I quote you: “The last time I checked, you couldn’t end the life of a human when it pleases you.”
Well, Mr. Borst, the last time I checked, your president (who has slashed abortion funding, while shoveling money to abstinence-only education) does just that. He has no qualms about ending the lives of record numbers of Texas inmates (some of whom were posthumously proven innocent). And he doesn’t think twice about dropping bombs on innocent children in Iraq. Yet he and you are lecturing me about ignoring consequences?
You also say that pro-choice advocates like to refer to unborn babies as fetuses in order to “desensitize” themselves. There is another group who uses the word “fetus”: scientists.
Bethany Kohoutek
Journalism and Mass Communication/ Religious Studies