Student representative possible on city council

Scott Rank

The Ames City Council will discuss appointing an ISU student to the council to give students a voice in city issues, said Mayor Ted Tedesco.

The council will discuss the appointment of a student liaison at Tuesday night’s meeting at 7 p.m. at the Council Chambers, 515 Clark Ave. If the bill is approved, the student would be an ex-officio, meaning the student would take part in discussions but wouldn’t have a vote, Tedesco said.

The student member would be either the Government of the Student Body president or his or her designee.

Council member Daryle Vegge originally brought up the proposal for a student representative.

“The student population makes up half of Ames,” Vegge said. “Their viewpoint is important and this [student] liaison will give a good forum between the student body and the City Council.”

The GSB senate said more student representation in Ames is necessary. According to a resolution by the senate, students need more notice about city ordinances that will greatly affect their lives, like the couch ordinance and the drink special ban.

“There are many issues that affect students on a city level — not the least of which is the current over-occupancy controversy — and a student member would be beneficial to ISU students by keeping the City Council abreast of the issues that affect students,” the resolution reads.

The unlimited drink special will not be discussed at Tuesday night’s meeting. However, a group of protesters are planning to attend.

The Society of Americans Who Have A Clue, famous for counter-protesting the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) by eating hamburgers and hot dogs in front of the animal rights group, will protest the city’s new drinking ordinance.