LETTER: Ignorant viewpoint ignores history
February 27, 2003
I was very angered by Fred Bangar’s feedback, “Homosexuality is the wrong choice,” in the Feb. 25 issue of the Daily. In his letter, Mr. Bangar asserts that the practice of homosexuality will ultimately lead to the extinction of humanity, since homosexual couples can not reproduce. If this were so, the human race would already be dead.
There is documented proof of the existence and practice of homosexuality as far back as the ancient Greeks, and there is no reason to believe that homosexuality was not practiced before then.
Humanity’s population has certainly not suffered through these last several millennia due to homosexual practices; in fact, we are nearing the point of overpopulation.
In addition, Mr. Bangar is forgetting that it is quite common for homosexual couples, both male and female, to use artificial insemination, surrogate mothers, etc., to have biological children.
In his feedback, Mr. Bangar says that he believes that homosexuality is immoral. He is entitled to have his own opinion, and I respect it.
However, when Mr. Bangar and those with similar opinions try to prove their beliefs with arguments that are based in fear and intolerance, and not in fact, they only prove their own ignorance.
Sean Stolper
Mechanical Engineering