LETTER: Feminists cannot

This letter is in response to Blair Polhamus’ letter regarding the “Feminists For Life” campaign.

Ms. Polhamus, why do you get to define feminism? By holding such appalling stereotypes of feminists, you go against what feminists should be fighting for, and that is to be equal in status to men and become the best we can be for ourselves. How dare you categorize all feminists into the nice, neat package of pro-choice. A woman’s body IS her own, but that does not mean every woman who considers herself a feminist is comfortable with the idea of killing her child.

Too many women use abortion as a means of birth control. What we need is education about it and easier access to more accepted means of birth control, not closed-minded femi-nazis running around telling us what we can and cannot believe. You obviously don’t know what feminism is, or you would value a woman’s right to her own opinion.

Alexis Smith

