ISU professor replaces Quirmbach

Scott Rank

An ISU professor was unanimously appointed to the Ames City Council at Tuesday night’s meeting.

Riad Mahayni, professor of community and regional planning, will hold the Fourth Ward City Council seat.

He replaces Herman Quirmbach, associate professor of economics, who left after being elected to the Iowa Senate.

Mahayni will serve out the remainder of Quirmbach’s term, unless voters decide to call for a special election.

Mayor Ted Tedesco said the post was filled by appointment after Quirmbach left because of the importance in giving the Fourth Ward representation during impending budget talks.

During his upcoming term, Mahayni said he will focus mainly on economic development and city planning.

Economic development is the city’s biggest issue, Mahayni said.

“We have a good program, but we need to sustain it,” he said. “Also, our city planning needs to cope with the ever-changing environment we live in by providing affordable housing,” he said.

Mahayni was being considered along with Mary Ann Lundy, the only other applicant for the position.