Non-tenure debate begins in senate

Jennifer Martin

The Faculty Senate will meet Tuesday night to discuss a proposal regarding policies and procedures for non-tenure track faculty appointments.

David Hopper, chairman of Faculty Senate Non-Tenure Track Transition Task Force, said the Faculty Senate created new non-tenure track lecturer, senior lecturer, clinician and senior clinician positions two years ago but the procedures for annual review, re-appointment and advancement were not the same as the existing non-tenure track adjunct positions.

“The problem came out that these two types of non-tenure type appointments are not treated the same,” he said. “[When the new positions were created] no consideration was given to the differences.”

There are differences in the old and new positions regarding appointment procedures, including length and renewal, hiring authority, review and responsibility.

Lecturer and clinician appointments are subject to annual review and there are no limitations on the amount of times the position can be renewed.

“The policy seeks to address those issues,” Hopper said.

He said the proposal is an attempt to make the positions equal.

“Shouldn’t they all be able to perform the same set of responsibilities?”

Hopper said each faculty member needs to be treated in an “equitable and fair way.”

Jack Girton, Faculty Senate president-elect, said the policy will clarify the conflict by setting down a general set of rules.

“[It’s] always better when you have an understanding on what to do to make better appointments,” he said.

ISU athletic director Bruce Van de Velde will also be speaking to the Faculty Senate.

Girton said Van de Velde will give remarks about the athletic department and its role in the university. He will also be available to answer questions from senate members.

“Most faculty have probably never seen him, and [they] want to hear about his vision for the athletic department,” Girton said.

The senate will meet Tuesday night at 7:30 in the North Room at the Gateway Center.