LETTER: Censorship of mural unfounded
January 21, 2003
In the middle ages, the Catholic Church held an iron grip over the continent of Europe. All literature, art, invention and dramatic endeavors were strictly censored. There was absolutely no autonomy. A big example was the Sistine Chapel; a great artist like Michelangelo was censored in this time. At the Sistine Chapel, grape leaves were painted on Adam to deny his human form.
When I looked at the front page of the Daily on Jan. 17, it reminded me of this time period. The mural in Schaefer House in Willow Hall was covered with paint, the order coming from university officials. Their reason was “the pressure being put on them from the outside.” It is interesting the university could act so quickly on this issue and not on others.
For example, a group at Iowa State put enormous pressure on the university to change the name of Catt Hall; this was never done. This issue received months of press from the Daily as well as other periodicals and the Des Moines media.
The university has said that this mural violated policy. If so, I would like the breasts chipped from the Four Seasons fountain. Please make all those at the Lied Recreation Center wear snow suits while exercising. They are just disgraceful.
It is a slippery-slope fallacy, I know. But I think the lesson the university has just taught students is that if anything at all bothers you, apply all the pressure that your opponent cannot use and eliminate that problem. But only if it is an issue that we feel we can benefit from politically.
Folks, when you walk into the real world you will see that you will remain frustrated and the status quo will be upheld.
Scott Peck