LETTER: Madmen threaten liberty pursuits

We all dream of a perfect world; a utopia where there is no war and all is peaceful. But as long as there are madmen such as Saddam Hussein on our Earth, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is just a figment of much of the world’s imagination.

The United States must act in the best interest of itself, but when a manipulative and crazed dictator severely violates basic human rights, supports our enemies and threatens our allies, we must act in the best interest of the human race. Saddam Hussein would rather sacrifice his own people than lose his power. Most Iraqis would agree, but who can speak up when the penalty for speaking against Saddam is death?

Saddam has used chemical weapons to destroy his own people. The Kurds in the north had their marshlands drained and some villages destroyed. Despite this, everywhere you look in Iraq you see propaganda portraying Saddam as a caring and loving king. Huge pictures are on walls and street corners throughout Iraq.

Not only a threat to his people, Saddam threatens the stability of an already unstable region as he’s already invaded Iran and Kuwait. He’s been known to help train terrorists and provides thousands of dollars to families of suicide bombers. What a caring man!

Saddam is so manipulative that he has even fooled himself. To this day he believes the Gulf War was his victory. To allow Saddam to remain in power would be a tragedy and a disgrace to those of us who believe in basic human rights. Saddam is a fanatical and senseless madman with the likeness of a 2003 Hitler. When peace through negotiation is futile, there is only one option left. Support your president and your military.

Marcus Fey

