LETTER: Pro-life group ignores feminism

Lately, a hypocritical group deeming themselves “Feminists for Life” have been putting up their shock-factor propaganda. Myself, along with several other people who know what feminism really is, have been dutifully tearing this trash down.

However, it seems that this isn’t enough. The complete foolishness of this group needs to be pointed out.

This group claims to be feminist, yet is anti-choice. These two characteristics contradict each other. One cannot be a feminist and yet be anti-choice. A key pillar of feminism is allowing people to control their bodies and to have choices about their lives. Denying a woman a choice about when and if she has children is strongly against this tenet of feminism.

I ask this group — if not to reconsider their close-minded and damaging view of abortion — to at least change the name of their group. Perhaps if they didn’t have an oxymoron in their name, people would take them more seriously and their fliers would remain on the walls.

Blair Polhamus


Political Science

Women’s Studies