LGBT community celebrates small victories in big ways

Hannah Fletcher

There was no victory too small for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community at Tuesday night’s Small Victories Celebration in the Memorial Union.

This past year, the LGBT community celebrated the fifth anniversary of the Safe Zone sticker program at Iowa State, the beginning of the President’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and the development of a new structure that created subgroups within the LGBT Alliance.

The ISU campus was one of the first campuses to distribute Safe Zone stickers. It signifies welcoming of members of the LGBT community into faculty offices, dorm rooms and any door that displays the sticker with the safe zone triangle, organizers of the event said.

“It is a very simple idea but it has had an incredible impact,” said Nancy Evans, who was involved with the stickers’ development and the research done on their impact.

Though the stickers are used nationwide, Iowa State is the only university that has done research on their impact.

Through her research, Evans found the stickers had a positive effect on members of the LGBT community.

Several awards were given in honor of the those who had impacts on the LGBT community during the year.

Ben Taylor, president of the LGBTAA, received the Scott Rohlf Presidential Leadership Initiative Award, a scholarship for an outstanding leader in the LGBT community.

Taylor is involved in the LGBTAA’s new structure, is on the LGBTSS advisory board and is a Speakers Bureau participant.

The W. Houston Dougharty Ally Award was given to Terri Fredrick, graduate in English.

“It does seem strange to be receiving this award,” she said. “I’m doing what everyone else should be doing.”

Julia McGinley received the Emerging Leader Award. This was the first year the award was given.

“We have so much to look forward to in the LGBT community and I am so excited to be able to lead that,” she said.

In honor of the safe zone sticker’s anniversary, LGBTSS plans to repromote use of the stickers.