Holiday Choral Festival to feature four singing groups, traditional selections

Dan Hopper

The halls of Stephens Auditorium will once again be filled with the sweet sounds of vocal music Sunday as the voices of 300 singers and 20 orchestra members present Iowa State’s 47th annual Holiday Choral Festival.

“I always look forward to this show,” says Miles Morgan, Iowa State Singers member. “I have grown up with a soft spot for Christmas music.”

The four ISU choirs — Cantamus, Lyrica, Statesmen and the Iowa State Singers — are directed by James Rodde, director of choral activities, and wife Kathleen Rodde, assistant professor of music.

Members of the Iowa State Singers practice for 50 minutes five times a week, while the other three groups meet three days a week for 50 minutes, says James Rodde.

Each choir will perform three or four pieces. At the end, all 300 choir members, along with 20 orchestra members, will unite in singing the traditional carol “Angels We Have Heard on High.” Audience participation is highly encouraged.

“It is extremely fulfilling to see the audience enjoying and participating in the show,” Rodde says. “Between each group’s performance, the audience will have the opportunity to sing some traditional carols.”

There is a wide variety of music being performed at the concert.

“There really isn’t a specific selection process for when we choose the music,” Rodde says. “We have thousands of pieces to choose from. I will just have a piece in mind and it will seem right at the time.

“We try to choose a variety of songs so the audience will be entertained,” Rodde says.

“Last year, we performed ‘The Coventry Carol’ out in the audience,” says Morgan, senior in music.”It was cool to hear how different things sounded when we were down in the audience, as opposed to on the stage.”

Members of these vocal groups are selected by auditions during the first few weeks of the fall semester. They have been hard at work this past month, preparing for the show.

“I hope people will come to the show,” Rodde says. “Once you have been to the show and experienced it for the first time, you will want to come back.”

“Stephens is pretty big. Last year we had a pretty good turnout,” Morgan says. “We would love to pack the place out. Anybody can appreciate the music we perform. Even if choral music isn’t your thing, you can still enjoy the show.”

“Each group is very well prepared. This is a show that should not be missed,” Kathleen Rodde says. “If I was an audience member, I wouldn’t miss it.”

Kathleen Rodde says the best part about working with college students is each individual brings something special to the group.

“Iowa State Singers is the best choir I have ever been in,” Morgan says. “I find it extremely thrilling to perform with them. It is awesome being a part of this whole thing and making music.”

The Holiday Festival is the last choral concert of the semester for the ISU music department.

Tickets are $9 for adults and $5 for students, senior citizens and those under 18. They are available at all TicketMaster locations, the ticket office at Stephens Auditorium, or at the door on the day of the show.