LETTER:No such thing as a normal student

No such thing as a normal student

This is in response to Megan McCraken’s Nov. 22 letter “Athletes deserve early registration.” I don’t mind the fact that athletes register before the rest of the student body but to say, and I quote, “a normal student has all day to go to class,” I draw the line.

One, I would like for Megan to define “a normal student.” I am a nontraditional student, because I am older than the mean age of the student body, but feel that I am “a normal student.” Also because I am not an athlete and don’t get my schooling paid for, I need other means to pay for school.

Which leads me to point No. 2. Most students have a job of some sort to help make ends meet and on top of that many are part of the many different clubs, fraternities or sororities. Ask any one of these people if these different activities take up our time. It does.

Your statement was a little too broad and demeaning to “normal” students. I just hope you realize school isn’t easy for anyone whether you’re an athlete or not. You just have to make the time for it and deal.

Michael Franklin


Electrical Engineering