LETTER:Multiple reasons for registration issues

It’s called priority registration, and it’s not just for minorities on scholarship.

Here we go again, using minorities as scapegoats for the problems of the majority. In Mr. Young’s letter (“Scheduling unfair to paying students,” Nov. 13), it is evident that Mr. Young is looking for someone to blame for his minor registration inconveniences.

Instead of fully doing research on why his classes are filling up so fast, Mr. Youngs blames minorities on scholarships (“them”) for filling up the classes he needs, and then goes and asks administrators why his friend, or should I say why “they,” get to register before he does. By doing this he forgets the underlying issues.

Although there are students that have priority registration, like some minorities on scholarships, National Merit Scholars, National Achievement Scholars, National Hispanic Scholars, honors students, athletes, some learning communities’ students and others, there are numerous reasons why classes fill up.

How about budget cuts that decrease the number of classes being offered by a department? How about the increase of business students or students in general? How about sections that are reserved for certain majors?

There can be many reasons why classes fill up, so do not go blaming minorities. If a class fills up, go to your college, get a group together and go complain to your college so they can create more sections for a class.

Roy Salcedo

Graduate Student

Educational Leadership and Policy Studies