LETTER:Feminism beyond wearing thongs
November 21, 2002
In the Nov. 19 commentary, “Feminist cracks after thong debate,” it was obvious to me that the mother in the article does not understand the definition of feminism.
Merriam-Webster defines feminism as “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.”
It has nothing to do with how a person dresses.
There is no need for her to worry about losing her dream about her daughter becoming a feminist just because she wants to dress like Christina Aguilera. Her daughter could very much be a feminist and still look like a pop star.
I believe that she needs to investigate more on what it really means to be a feminist and transfer those correct values to her daughter.
Then maybe her daughter would stop considering feminism as being outdated and start trying to empower other women, including, maybe, her own future daughter.
Cherene Jordan
Child and Family Services