LETTER:Voting was answer to tuition woes

Iowa State hosts this month’s Board of Regents Meeting, Nov. 13 through Nov. 15.

This meeting will decide the fate of the students’ tuition increase for the following year. When the verdict comes out in the unfavorable interest of the students, I think it will be ridiculous for students of Iowa State to complain to the Daily.

I’ve asked a number of students if they had voted last Tuesday, and I received an overwhelming number of “no’s.” If you wanted to speak your voice, exercise your right to vote.

Those who didn’t lost their one opportunity to change things.

Writing to the paper will do no good, complaining to your friends will do no good, and saying you’re from out of state will do no good.

There are absentee ballots for a reason, and political groups from around campus were more than willing to make registering to vote in Ames as easy as a minute of your time.

Go ahead Board of Regents, it is your turn to screw us over (again), and once again “we” didn’t do anything to stop you.

Daniel Barrett


Political Science