LETTER:Cattle yards or death camps?

Danelle Zellmer says cattle producers are humane. This is absurd. She argued specifically that de-horning was humane, yet neglected to mention that the process does not involve anaesthesia.

She apparently feels that cattle are a threat to one another yet clearly ignores that cattle, like all animals, desire a certain amount of territorial space that is denied to them by capitalist agriculture. By her reasoning I could argue that it would be humane to chop off people’s hands so they don’t shoot each other with guns.

Cattle yards remind me of Nazi death camps. In fact, that is basically what they are. I wonder how it is humane to tear calves away from their mothers, steal the milk and eat the calf.

I remember this one death camp I visited. A calf had died and had been thrown on the ground to rot, within view of all the cows. It had been there for some time and was crawling with maggots. It was like some kind of barbaric warning to the cattle that they should never try to resist their evil overlords.

At another concentration camp I saw that the manure pit was located alongside the manure-filled yard. Two calves had accidentally fallen into the pit and their bloated corpses were floating there.

I remember a dairy farm where the farmer was in too much of a hurry to allow a cow to give birth, so she was forced to run (while being whipped and giving birth) so that the cattle would fall to the ground at some point closer to the calf cells.

There is nothing humane about cattle farms. In some religions, cattle are considered to be holy.

In such a light, America is most unholy. I reckon most dairy farmers are reincarnated as cattle. Now wouldn’t that be hell?

Adam Rinkleff

