LETTER:For experience vote for Barbara Finch
November 4, 2002
Despite what we have heard the past few days in the Daily, the best candidate for the Iowa Senate is Barbara Finch. I personally don’t know anyone who is more dedicated and hard-working than she is. If you want someone in the state Senate who will fight for excellence in education and economic growth, vote Barbara Finch. If you want someone who will protect our natural resources and promote renewable energy, vote Barbara Finch.
The Quirmbach campaign has misled the students of Iowa State. They have blamed Finch for our tuition hikes. This is absurd. The truth is that Governor Vilsack proposed a 7 percent cut to higher education. Barbara Finch realized that a 7 percent cut was not acceptable and worked with President Geoffroy to reduce the cut to only 3 percent.
Barbara Finch is the right candidate to represent us in the state Senate because of her experience. She has a solid voting record she can proudly stand behind. The truth is that Quirmbach does not have this experience. So on November 5th, vote for dedication, vote for experience, vote for Barbara Finch.
Matthew Grewe