The Government of the Student Body will meet in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union Wendesday at 6 p.m.


* Al Murdoch will be speaking, accompanied by the Tae Kwon Do Club

Special Orders

* An order to seat Susan Kane as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. By Kenin, Leege and others


* An order to seat Jay Smith as an associate justice of the Supreme Court. By Kenien, Leege and others.

General Orders

* A bill to buy computer and Internet supplies for the Black Cultural Center.

* A bill to create an at-large special student fees committee representative.

* A bill allotting $1,000 to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Ally Alliance to attend the Midwest Bisexual Lesbian Gay Transgender Ally College Conference.

New Business

* A bill to reconfigure the electrical service around the Campanile. By Kline, Luken and others.

* A bill to upgrade the library by buying new printers and computer equipment. By Leege, Pieris and others.

* A bill allowing GSB to place a higher priority on services partially funded through GSB. By Luken, Kline and others.

* A bill adopting the finance committee’s proposal, for evaluating organizations applying for funds for upcoming regular allocations. By Luken, Kline and Boike.

* A bill encouraging the Graduate School to raise the minimum English speaking proficiency scores in the English Competency Examination. By Heil, Hoffelmeyer and others.

* A resolution endorsing a nine percent across the board cut to cancel journal subscriptions. By Pieris and Luken.