LETTER:Will the real Dave please stand up?

Who is this Dave? Where did he come from? Is it the same Dave that was around 10 years ago in a little city called Waco, Texas? Seems to me that nobody is really sure. I’ve talked to “Dave-heads” (people wearing the green shirts) around campus and I seem to get different stories about who he is. One wasn’t even sure what exactly Dave believed in, but agreed none the less.

Last week, after leaving the library for some studying, I came outside to find Dave paraphernalia all along Osborn Drive. I was shocked to see this, because it was not there when I left for the library. Dave’s workers came out and worked hard, disappearing into the night, giving no clue as to who Dave really is (perhaps he’s related to Santa Claus, since nobody I’ve talked to has actually seen him). It’s obvious this Dave propaganda is the work of some Christian groups on campus. I am a very devoted Christian, but strongly disagree with the methods they are using.

All I’m saying is that if you want to help spread Christian beliefs, don’t do it in such a narrow-minded and covert way. The methods of Dave’s people are very cheap; using secrecy to try to lure people into agreeing with Dave. The only problem is some of those people who agree with him don’t really know what they’re agreeing with. Instead of trying to win over ISU with silence, put your message out.

Joe Campos

