Architects hear wishes for Union

Dana Dejong

A wish list for student office space was compiled Wednesday with architects for the Memorial Union project.

When Iowa State takes over ownership of the Memorial Union on Jan. 1, 2003, the university plans to do some remodeling work.

Union employees and two members of the Interfraternity Council met to discuss what they wanted and needed for student office space in a revamped Union.

Richard Seely of Herbert Lewis Kruse Blunck, an architecture firm in Des Moines, was there to lead discussion and take note of the spatial needs of student organizations.

Union employees said there is a need for more enclosed office spaces. Of the existing spaces, about 57 are open cubicles and 12 are enclosed offices, Seely said.

The enclosed offices are the biggest demand of student organizations, said Lisa Kratz, program manager for the Union. Increasing the number to 20 would be ideal, she said.

Mailboxes are another item on the wish list. Not all registered campus organizations have a mailbox in the office space. If space allows, 400 to 500 mailboxes would be installed.

Andy Tofilon, president of the board of directors of the Memorial Union Corporation, would like to see built-in mailboxes for all organizations.

“Right now it just looks like we went to Wal-Mart,” he said.

Tofilon also would like to see a change of paint from the green scheme. Red, or at least “something more school-spirity” was his suggestion.

To Tofilon, it doesn’t have an ISU presence. It could just as well be Kansas or any other school, Tofilon said.

“You don’t know where you’re at when you’re down there,” he said.

The computer rooms would undergo some changes. Larger stations for the four computers are being considered for the 10-by-11 foot rooms.

“If there are three people in there, they’re two of your closest friends,” Tofilon said.

More general needs include improving handicap accessibility, adding more commons seating, more space for GSB and updating meeting rooms to current standards of technology.

An agreement between the Board of Regents, Memorial Union Board, the university and ISU students will transfer ownership of the MU to the university.

After the first of the year the university will become responsible for the Union’s current debt. The university has said the Union will be a funding priority and with the facility under university ownership the Board of Regents also has bonding authority.