LETTER:Quirmbach will work for students

Have you had it with double-digit tuition increases? Let’s place the blame for these increases where it really belongs. It was the Republican-led Legislature that voted to cut funding to public education.

It was the Republican-led Legislature that refused to consider tapping into ‘rainy-day’ funds to support our schools. It was the Republican-led Legislature, because of their lack of commitment to education, that forced the Board of Regents to choose between cutting services to students or dramatically raising tuition.

The November election for the Iowa Senate may decide whether this trend continues or is reversed. Finch, the Republican candidate, has not only voted to make huge cuts in state support to ISU, but also clearly disregards the real problems students face when confronted with tuition hikes.

In fact, Republican Finch believes that students can easily absorb these tuition increases. In an interview with the Daily Iowan, Finch said, “[Today’s students] need to rethink the extra expense of having apartments to themselves, cell phones, and pagers if they are worrying about paying their tuition” (Jennifer Sturm, “Tuition hikes divide officials, students,” Daily Iowan, Oct. 19, 2001). Republican Finch is out of touch with reality.

What we need is someone who will work for us in the Iowa Senate.

Herman Quirmbach has long been an advocate for public education. He has been a professor at Iowa State University for 12 years. His dedication to students has long been demonstrated and he will continue to advocate for students in his role as Iowa state senator.

He believes that Iowa’s universities can offer high quality to its students and continue to be affordable.

As an economist, Herman Quirmbach has real solutions to the financial problems faced by Iowa. As a teacher, he has the commitment to education that will ensure that the real needs of students are addressed.

We have a clear choice in this election.

We can vote for someone who is out of touch with us and our real concerns, or we can vote for Herman Quirmbach, an educator who understands our needs and will fight for us.

As our senator, Herman Quirmbach will advocate for full funding of public education.

Please join me in supporting Herman Quirmbach for Iowa Senate in the Nov. 5th election.

Marcia Minear

Graduate Student
