LETTER:Quirmbach values work-study jobs

Barbara Finch, candidate for the Ames open Senate seat, proclaims in her newspaper ad that she wants to “make community colleges and universities affordable.” What did she do when she had an opportunity to act? She voted against restoring funds for ISU student work-study jobs (H-1802 to SF-535 in 2001).

Work-study jobs are essential for many students from low income families if they are able to afford the expenses of higher education. Talk is cheap, actions count. When Finch could have helped make the university more affordable, she chose not to do so.

Furthermore, work-study jobs frequently involve students in faculty research projects. Working with a faculty member enriches the educational experience. Finch’s voting record in the Iowa House suggests that either she does not understand this or she wants to deny this opportunity to Iowa students.

When Herman Quirmbach, candidate for the Ames Senate seat, says that he gives top priority to education you can be certain that he will work to restore funding for work-study. As a member of the ISU faculty, he knows the value of this program to students. This is just one of the reasons why anyone who cares about education should vote for him and not be fooled by Finch’s talk, which is contradicted by her actions.

Jorgen Rasmussen
