LETTER:Helser secession a great move
October 17, 2002
As former residents of Helser, we agree, fully support, and encourage what Helser and the Suite Building are doing. We think it would benefit the residents to pull out from underneath the UDA Senate and start their own hall governments, which should then be included in IRHA.
Last year this issue was addressed in Helser and a committee was formed to look into pulling away. We are happy to see that there are people who are motivated enough to take action.
When we lived in Helser, students often complained about the tyranny of the UDA Senate. Granted, there are now new people in office, but it seems like the legacy lives on.
For instance, UDA Senate will simply fund a house float or house party. While doing these activities are great ways to get residents involved, they do not reach or benefit all of UDA, yet they are funded while others are brushed off with the excuse, “it does not include all of UDA” or “it does not benefit all of UDA.”
One word; consistency.
Take notes from RCA. They have hall governments focused on the requests of residents in their respective halls as well as maintaining community in the association; the residents are happy.
We can’t blame Helser for being angry — we were angry too when we lived there.
What’s more important, having a ton of money or the students living in the association being happy with the activities provided for them? Why would you stop something like that?
We’re on your side, Helser!
Kristen Banas
Former Fleming Resident Assistant
Mechanical Engineering /Business Management
Pat McDaniel
Former Carpenter Resident Assistant
Journalism and Mass Communication