LETTER:Biblical morals not absolute

In his letter in Friday’s Daily, Kent Schmidgall bemoans the lack of respect the phrase “right for me” pays to “absolute truth,” and he suggests that such truth can be found in “God’s Word.”

Appeals to the God as described in the Bible as the source of perfect and absolute morality are very problematic. Mr. Schmidgall wants to condemn the Holocaust now and for all time? He has clearly not read his Bible. A (very) short sample:

Exodus 12:29 — The Lord kills all the first-born in the land of Egypt.

Exodus 32:27-29 — With the Lord’s approval, the Israelites slay 3000 men.

Numbers 25:9 — 24,000 people die in a plague from the Lord.

2 Samuel 24:15 — The Lord sends a pestilence on Israel that kills 70,000 men.

2 Kings 19:35 — An angel of the Lord kills 185,000 men.

For him to say the Holocaust was evil now and for all time is to say that the God described in the Bible is evil now and for all time. The fact of the matter is, no matter how unpleasant for Mr. Schmidgall, that our own judgements of right and wrong are the best source of morality we have.

Dan Skinner

