Halloween Hikes feature volunteers and skits

Amy Wahle

Ames is offering an alternative to traditional Halloween activities — hiking while acting.

Story County Conservation hosts its annual Halloween Hikes at McFarland Park northeast of Ames Oct. 19 from 6:30 to 9 p.m.

“We could use a few more volunteers,” said Linda Zaletel, a naturalist at Story County Conservation. Volunteers are given information on a topic and prepare skits presented throughout the hike.

This year’s theme is, “Rangers in Black — Aliens Among Us,” so volunteers will dress in black suites and wear sunglasses, Zaletel said.

“It’s darn good fun,” she said. “The purpose of the event is to make everyone aware of the alien plants and animals invading Iowa.”

Zaletel said organisms that are not native to Iowa can cause a lot of problems. One example is the garlic mustard.

“This is a weedy plant that has started to crowd out the native wildflowers,” Zaletel said.

The Starling Gang and the House Sparrow are birds brought over by European settlers that have invaded Iowa land, Zaletel said. These birds have hurt the bluebird population.

Jill Foster, senior in animal ecology, has been a volunteer for the annual Halloween Hikes for two years.

“It is a great way [for college students] to be active in your community,” Foster said.

She said her favorite part is talking to the public and sharing information in a fun and interesting way. Last year she dressed as a Canadian thistle. Foster said she dressed in all green and stuck her wire-braided hair straight up and sprayed it purple to represent the plant’s flower.

She prepares two to three hours for her volunteer event. Foster said it is a good experience learning to speak with people of a wide variety.

“It brings out your creativeness and organization, plus it is just fun,” she said.

Zaletel said the hike is a family event aimed at children but the message is for the adults.

The event attracts families from across Story County. For more information call Story County Conservation at 232-2516.