Hale appointment brings diversity to department, voice to students

Sheila Sanghvi

Minority students now have a stronger voice in the administrative department of the College of Education.

Georgia Hale has been named Assistant Dean for Student and Minority Affairs in the College of Education.

“As an assistant dean, [Hale] increases the voice of the students in the administrative team and also enhances the diversity,” said Walter Gmelch, dean of the College of Education .

Hale has served as Director of Education Student Services (ESS) for the college, leading career services, field experiences, international initiatives, minority recruitment and retention, and teacher licensure.

Hale will continue her responsibilities as director of ESS, integrating it with her assistant dean position.

“With this promotion, I am now a member of the Dean’s management team, allowing me to bring issues relevant to students, specifically students of color, to the forefront,” she said. “This assures that their concerns and issues are heard by those in decision-making positions.”

Roger Smith, associate dean in the College of Education, said the college has a strong interest in diversifying the leadership team and advancing minority relations.

As assistant dean, Hale will be the director of the new George Washington Carver Teacher Education Program.

The program is a partnership between Des Moines Area Community College, Simpson College and Iowa State. Their goal is a collaborated effort to promote a more diverse teacher population in central Iowa.

Iowa and the nation “are experiencing a shortage of qualified teachers, especially people of color and underrepresented groups,” Hale said.

The alliance of a public university, private college and community college will have the resources to offer teacher education programs targeted to underrepresented groups, Hale said.

“We value Georgia’s leadership skills and they have really reflected in her devotion to the George Washington Carver Teacher Education Program,” Smith said.

Hale was associate dean of the College of Business at Arkansas State University before coming to Iowa State. She has a Ph.D in business education from Arizona State University.

“With her wealth of experience in higher education, Dr. Hale will bring a fresh perspective to the College of Education’s leadership team,” Gmelch said.