LETTER:Quirmbach the best Senate candidate

Anymore, during political campaigns, I pay more attention to letters-to-the editor than to advertising, especially in local races. The number of letters written in support of Herman Quirmbach, the diversity of their writers and the impressive list of his accomplishments and credentials they cite make clear that Herman is by far the outstanding candidate to represent District 23 in the Iowa Senate.

The letters outline his leadership in important community projects, his years of teaching at the high school and university levels, his performance as an Ames council member, his academic and professional work as an economist, and his sensitivity to the concerns of those most in need. Most of the few letters supporting his opponent Barbara Finch have been from fellow Republican legislators.

Also, voters should recall that in the 2000 election, Finch ran a last-minute highly expensive television blitz that contained inaccurate and misleading statements about her opposition. The ads were financed by special interests and the state Republican Party. If she tries this again, I trust that voters will not be taken in.

Send Herman Quirmbach to Des Moines so that he can continue the fine tradition set by Senators Johnie Hammond, Ralph Rosenberg and Charles Bruner.

Bill Kunerth
