LETTER:Parking concerns at Frederiksen legitimate
September 5, 2002
As a former two-year resident of Frederiksen Court, aka Hawthorn Court, I found that there was a substantial problem with nonresidence parking. Many off-campus students would park in the lot while attending class. While there is a major need for more visitor parking, Janae Raymond was correct in complaining about the parking situation (“Frederiksen lot patrols needed by residents,” Sep. 3).
The letter written by Erik Dempsey, which is nothing more than a personal attack, was poorly written and failed to even recognize the seriousness of the parking problem (“Parking is in the eye of the beholder,” Sep. 4).
I would strongly recommend that Mr. Dempsey learn to read more thoroughly and take anger management classes. Miss Raymond’s complaint about the poor parking situation was well-founded and she expresses the opinions of many of the student apartment’s residents. Thank you Janae for speaking up for the silent majority!
Jeremiah Noneman