Foundation officials address GSB on open records policy

Jessica Anderson

The Government of the Student Body asked the ISU Foundation questions relating to open records at its meeting Wednesday.

Phyllis Lepke, vice president of communications for the Foundation, said Foundation’s policy on open records is based on accountability and measures of excellence. The Foundation conducts a “reasonable person test” to decide what information to disclose, Lepke said.

“I think it was a good move on their part to explain their policy about greater openness,” said Victor Raymond, graduate student senator. “If they want to build trust, do it with the people who will donate in the future – that would be us.”

He said he is concerned that much of the Foundation’s policy is still being formed.

In other news, Scott Henry Schaefer, junior in civil engineering, was elected associate justice on the GSB Supreme Court. Daniel Kline, senior in civil engineering, was seated as an off-campus senator.

A bill that would essentially pay next year’s executives for summer work passed by unanimous consent.

“It was a line item transfer within our own budget, we’re moving around some extra money so they can get their salaries,” said David Leege, Frederiksen Court senator.

He said the senate was not taking money from anywhere else to fund the bill.

The bill that could remove Katharine Gordon from senate is up for second read at next week’s meeting. Tony Luken, speaker of the senate, said all attempts of contacting her have failed.

The senate agreed to send Gordon a formal letter to eliminate the possibility of any technicalities with the removal.