COLUMN:A hip hop executive fantasy

Darryl Frierson

When growing up, we kids would shout, “I want to be a policeman,” or “I want to be firefighter,” or “I want to be a doctor when I grow up.”

Well, there were a few of us over-ambitious young lads who would say “I want to be the President of the United States when I grow up.”

And I really did, at one point in my life, but eventually I let this dream of mine fade when I began to see the hypocrisy in the government and this country.

I would run under my own party: The Hiphopcracy party (hip hop and democracy meshed together – tight, huh?).

I would run under the slogan: “A guy in sweats can do the job just as good.”

After I win the election these are the first then things I would do with my position in office.

I would first mandate the White House to be painted black, like McBreed said.

Hey, it’s been white too damn long and I am tired of white always meaning purity.

My vice president Colin Powell (I had to have someone who can handle the public in a “politically correct” way) and I would throw a big party and concert for charity and have it on TV for free.

It would be an all-day event with everyone from Jay-Z collaborating with the Dixie Chicks to Linkin Park getting with Busta Rhymes.

I would legalize all the drugs in this country. I feel if you want to get high, get high, I shouldn’t stop ya.

I am also trying to take money out of the hands of crooked politicians who get paid from drugs illegally.

Hey, how do you think drugs got over here? They’ve got to be let in somehow. Coincidence? I think not!

The money from drug prevention task forces I would put into education to have everyone be able to get a high quality of education. No one deserves to go without it. Why should one school have better education than another just because the people in the area are underprivileged and don’t have “high property worth?”

I would take the fictitious Columbus Day away.

Who wants to give love to the man who pillaged and plundered his way to the top unless this holiday is somehow a reflection of our country? And replace it with 9/11 Day or a day honoring Tupac and Biggie.

They help elevate the mindsets of many hip hop and non-hip hop heads alike.

Then again, how about a Malcom X day? That would be a great way to commemorate all of things he did for civil rights (see X by Spike Lee if you don’t know about the man).

I would marry Michael Michelle of “ER,” “NY Undercover,” and “New Jack City” fame.

I would eliminate the whole idea of racial profiling. It’s messed up when you get pulled over just because you fit someone’s general profile of your race. And make the people who condone racial profiling to be consistently be pulled over to see how it feels.

If you want it to go down, you’re gonna have to see how it affects the minority to be consistently profiled.

I would enter the halls of Congress while singing Nas’ “If I Ruled the World.” And proclaim Fridays as casual days.

I would fill my Cabinet with people for the people instead of delegates on a “paper chase.”

All of my State of the Union addresses would start with LL Cool J’s “Mama Said Knock You Out.”

I would come out on a moving turret sliding me to my desk while the song is played, giving the people all of these proclamations during my first State of the Union address.

I just hope I don’t get assassinated.



is a senior in journalism

and mass communication and history from St. Louis, Mo.