EDITORIAL:Going postal with zero emissions
September 24, 2002
California has been a trendsetter for years in things like the fashion and entertainment businesses. They always seem to be the first to do everything.
Finally, they are moving that power to the environment as well.
Last week Los Angeles, one of the most polluted cities in the country, introduced a new line of mail trucks.
They look just like the old ones, but they are zero-emission vehicles.
These vehicles are completely electric and vent absolutely no contaminates. This is a huge step in cleaning up the air in Los Angeles and California as well.
Zero emission vehicles, often referred to as ZEVs, are generally battery-powered. They must recharge using renewable energy and emit no pollution.
General criteria for a ZEV is to have no tailpipe, evaporative or gasoline emissions, according to California¡s Zero Emission Vehicles Program.
The program believes these cars will help reduce a number of medical problems associated with smog, including asthma aggravation and even cancers caused by carcinogens in pollutants.
Last fall the American Lung Association of California donated $20 million for ZEV incentives.
Half of the money was to be used for incentives aimed at individuals who purchase ZEVs and the other $10 million for funding projects such as electric mail trucks.
In just a year California has already made a bold showing of faith by putting the electric mail trucks into service so quickly.
The individual incentives are aimed at consumers to make ZEVs more affordable.
Consumers who purchase or lease a ZEV can possibly receive up to $9,000 over a three-year period as a motivation.
They can also receive a tax credit for 10 percent of the cost of the vehicle, up to $4,000.
Some would argue that the ZEV programs are not worth the additional cost.
However, considering these vehicles can save lives and promote a better quality of life, it is apparent they are worth every dime.
The state of California, which already has laws regarding vehicle emissions, is making a bold move by implementing electric mail trucks and promoting ZEVs.
They are an environmental role model for the country, and the other states should attempt to follow their lead.
Editorial Board: Cavan Reagan, Amber Billings, Rachel Faber Machacha, Charlie Weaver, Zach Calef, Ayrel Clark.