Courthouse evacuated following prank bomb threat

Stefanie Peterson

The Story County Courthouse in Nevada was evacuated on Monday morning after a prank caller phoned in a bomb threat.

A search of the building yielded no dangerous materials, however.

“Shortly after 11:30, a call was received in the Story County Attorney’s office from a male caller who stated that a bomb was in the building and would go off in 10 minutes,” said Capt. Gary Foster of the Story County Sheriff’s Office.

“We ordered an evacuation, so the deputies went into the court section of the Justice Center and began evacuating offices,” he said. “Personnel were evacuated from the court’s office and county attorney’s office and courts.”

Story County Attorney Stephen Holmes said everyone in the building has been through similar experiences before but every threat is taken seriously.

Foster said a search of the building produced nothing.

“We swept the courthouse area and following that search we were unable to locate any suspicious packages,” he said.

Courthouse employees were back inside by 12:10 p.m., Foster said.

Holmes said because the Justice Center is so new there aren’t many places unauthorized visitors can enter.

Tott said the evacuation followed already established procedures for such situations.

“The county has some guidelines for workplace emergencies, so we had that in place,” she said. “Everything went smoothly and we got out quickly.”

The identity of the caller remains unknown.

“We are aggressively investigating to try and find the person responsible,” Foster said.

Holmes said the individual who made the phone call could face felony charges for threatening the courthouse. Making a false report is a separate crime.

– Daily staff writer Michaela Saunders contributed to this story.