Boy Cow just wants to have fun

Boonie Boone

While some folks form bands to gain scene popularity, pick up chicks (or dudes) or impress their friends, Boy Cow appears content with just the “fun” factor. Well, fun and free beer.

Drummer Joel Nott once said, “The way to judge whether or not a show was good was asking yourself: 1. Did I have fun? 2. Did I drink beer?”

Two affirmative responses and the night went well. The members aren’t concerned about getting signed or even paid – they’re just hoping there’s a cold beer (or more) before they play. It’s no wonder a Q and A session was the last thing on their minds. Especially with dinner from Little Taipei on the way.

The interview was to have taken place earlier this week at the Maintenance Shop before the band’s set with the Voo Doo Glow Skulls. It happened, kind of. Singer/guitarist Tom Glorfield and bassist Yuta Naganuma were somewhat willing to participate when Glorfield wasn’t harassing Naganuma’s girlfriend with Star Wars banter.

This interview occurred in two parts. The latter part is with Nott and Glorfield via geek boxes, er, computers.

Boonie Boone: So how many bands have you all been in?

Joel Nott: Ten maybe . I don’t want to sit here and think about it.

Tom Glorfield: Downplay how much we suck. Come on, Naoko [Naganuma’s girlfriend], do your Chewbacca voice for Joel.

Yuta Naganuma: In Ames, three. Four or five counting Japan and Urbandale.

TG: Nine or 10. Of those, four with Joel. (Starts talking about shoes with Nott and how much they stunk last year while roofing)

BB: How long have each of you been playing then?

JN: Fifteen years.

TG: Me too. Joel and I are identical. What Joel says is my answer too. Joel plus Tom equals old-school.

YN: Thirteen.

BB: Tom, with you recently married this summer and Joel and Jasie expecting, will this put a damper on the band?

TG: I’m in love with my wife, but I’m in love with Joel’s wife too. If anything’s going to put a damper on this band, it’s [Nott’s] baby. Just kidding. Well, I live in Iowa City, which sucks. When we do get together and play, it sucks. I’ve been married essentially for 10 years. Being 30 and fat puts a damper on things, and the fact that we suck puts a damper on things.

BB: Tom, what inspires your songwriting?

TG: It doesn’t come from one place. Words are an afterthought. I change them around. It’s all about having a good fucking time.

BB: What other projects does everyone else have going on? Joel, aren’t you in a metal band from Iowa Falls?

JN: I think we broke up. Metal Tom quit today.

(M-Shop Director Eric Yarwood walks in to tell all dinner has arrived and interview No. 1 promptly ends.)

BB: Is the local scene dead? Or is it just cycling through its ups and downs?

JN: I’m out of the loop, but I assume it’s in a down cycle now. I don’t see as many places to play and/or bands playing out.

TG: I don’t think the music scene in a college town can ever be dead. It can suck ass for long periods of time, but it won’t die.

B: Are kids going about things wrong when forming and playing in bands these days?

JN: I doubt it.

TG: I don’t know any damn kids starting bands now. I think whatever the popular trend in music is at any given time, you’ll see a shitload of bands that try to be like them. It happened in the early ’90s with grunge, the mid-to-late ’90s with ska/punk and now with indie rock. But how the fuck can you be an indie rocker on a major label? Anyways, I digress.

BB: Joel, why do you have such a big drum kit and not more cow bells?

TG: I can answer that. He’s got a small penis and thinks a big drum set will compensate. Actually, at one time it was much bigger . the drum set that is.

JN: You know what they say about big drum kits, you have a lot of drums to haul around and you probably won’t use half of them. I’m trying to be Alex Van Halen, pre-Hagar days. I do have more cowbells, but the mount broke. I’ll fix that just for you.

BB: Tom, what’s your obsession with Star Wars and why haven’t you written a song about Chewbacca? You just seem to write songs about “visitors from outer space.”

JN: Rock Goddess did it first.

TG: I would write a song about the greatest Wookie of all time, but Supernova already beat me to it. If you can find the Chewbacca 7″, grab it and don’t let go. It fucking rules.

The B-side is “Hong Kong Calling Supernova” and it’s top notch as well. If I did write a song about Star Wars though, it’d have to be called “Lando,” because he fuckin’ rules the Cloud City of Bespin, and that’s pretty tough.