LETTER:Democracy is great, so let’s put it to use

The system of democracy is based upon the concept of majority rule. It is not perfect due to the suppressed rights of the minority, but overall effectively provides the greatest good for the greatest number while simultaneously providing options to protect the rights of the individual.

An exception is the case of the 2000 elections, in which the majority rule was suppressed due to a system of checks and balances set forth as a protective measure to protect the general public from.what was it again, their own ignorance? The American public was able to accept this controversial spin of democracy, partly due to lack of recourse combined with faith in a system that has stood for over 200 years.

I think is important for the public to consider, what happens to this system of checks and balances if President Bush is granted open authority to military aggression against Iraq?

The majority of people in the United States, myself included, can say, “I didn’t vote for him,” but unfortunately that doesn’t stop our tax-supported military from dropping bombs in the name of every American citizen. Personal opposition to the war doesn’t prevent every male eighteen and over from the mandate to register for Selective Service. Silent opposition will not stop fathers, sons, brothers and husbands from being called to serve in the war on terrorism (to clarify, that’s the war on potential terrorism in Iraq, not the actual reign of intimidation and fear in countries such as Israel, China, Ireland and Colombia to name a few) unless of course, you are related to a congressperson or senator.

Despite the faults of the American system, I still believe in a representative government and accept the right of the majority to set forth ideals and policies for the country and in my name. I expect the same democratic system of checks and balances that protected me from my “ignorance” in the 2000 presidential election to protect me from the unrestrained ignorance of this minority administration.

Valerie Goodman


English Education