LETTER:Foundation analogy defames prostitutes

Disbelief was my first reaction to the letter from Jan Beran in Wednesday’s Daily. Disbelief that a Professor Emerita would be so insensitive as to describe prostitutes as ugly women. Prostitutes provide service to people in every profession. Why resort to characterizing prostitutes as more abhorrent than those in other professions? That is a real slap in the face to all prostitutes and particularly to the high-class escorts.

You can do better. For starters, an apology to the prostitutes should be made. They work hard to raise money to provide food and shelter for themselves and their families.

I don’t claim to know what exactly Mr. Cerra’s motives were for his cartoon, but my judgment tells me that he may not have been portraying women in general as prostitutes. It’s quite possible that he wasn’t even portraying the women who work for the ISU Foundation as prostitutes. I know it sounds crazy, but he simply may have been making an analogy between the operations of the ISU foundation and those of a prostitute. It seems to me that you are the only one generalizing all women as prostitutes. Maybe you should try to be a little less hyper-sensitive in the future.

Brian Kierzek
