Budget shortfalls lead to elimination of Iowa Talent Search

Alicia Allen

Iowa’s budget shortfalls have led to the suspension of a program that could affect the recruitment of talented and gifted youth from the state.

Of six ISU Office of Precollegiate Programs for the Talented and Gifted, only Iowa Talent Search, will be eliminated. One reason for the program being cut is Iowa Talent Search’s lack of revenue.

“Due to economic downturn, revenues have dipped,” said Doug Epperson, professor of psychology and OPPTAG interim director. “The program never made any money.”

Iowa Talent Search was not only unprofitable, but it was not essential to OPPTAG, he said.

“In the end, the decision to suspend the talent search was for cost savings,” Epperson said.

Epperson also said there was a need to save money without reducing services to talented and gifted kids in Iowa.

Keith Davis, program administrator, said the Iowa Talent Search served to identify potential talented and gifted students, but was not an essential academic program.

“That enables us to cut this program without affecting the academic programs,” he said.

Epperson said OPPTAG will benefit because the talent search was the most expensive program.

“The talent search was a heavily subsidized program compared to the others, and it was clear there was not sufficient revenue to offer it,” Epperson said.

The suspension of the Iowa Talent Search at Iowa State has little effect on talented and gifted residents, because the University of Iowa offers a talent search program as well.

“That allows us to save resources and funnel them into programs that can’t be duplicated,” Davis said.

He said programs that involve departments such as engineering and veterinary medicine can only be offered at Iowa State, where there are facilities to accommodate the specific needs of each group.

OPPTAG will continue its summer programs, even though Iowa Talent Search has been cut.

“Our summer programs are always very successful and attractive for talented and gifted residents,” Epperson said.

The programs currently offered by OPPTAG are:

ACES – Academic Challenging Experiences for Students.

CY-TAG – Challenges for Youth-Talented and Gifted.

EXPLORATIONS – A one-week summer program for middle school and high school students.

ADVENTURES – A one-week summer program for elementary students.