Honors a breeze for club

ISU sailing club member and faculty adviser John Snyder, and ISU sailing club alumnus Ryan Richardson finished second in the FJ Sailing Class National Championships this summer.

Snyder also won the FJUS Nationals Master’s Trophy, for the best skipper over 40 years old, for the second consecutive year.

It was only the third time in the history of the FJUS Master’s Trophy that the award was taken by the same person consecutively.

The ISU sailing club practices and sails regularly on Big Creek State Park Lake, and welcomes new members.

Those interested in joining the club should contact Snyder at [email protected].

Baseball club to meet with prospective members

The ISU baseball club will hold informational meetings Tuesday and Thursday.

Both meetings will be held in Room 1 of Carver Hall at 8 p.m.

Interested players, both men and women, only need to attend one of the meetings. Those who attend are asked to bring a photocopy of their health insurance card.

Contact club president Jake Reichling at 268-1695 or [email protected] for more information.

Soccer club seeks new players

The ISU men’s soccer club is looking for interested players for the coming season.

Head coach Sandro Bassanini said the team will field as many teams as necessary to accommodate all the players. Thirty players participated in the preseason practices.

The team practices Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 4 p.m. on the Maple-Willow-Larch intramural fields.

For more information, contact Bassanini at [email protected].

United Way to hold

golf tournament

The third annual Golf Fore United Way will take place on Sept. 20 at Veenker Memorial Golf Course in Ames.

The four-person, best-shot golf outing raises funds for the 2002 United Way of Story County campaign, which has a goal of $1 million. Proceeds will help make possible the 95 human services supported by United Way throughout Story County.

Registration for the event will be held from 10-11 a.m. with a shotgun start at 11.

Cost is $75 per person and registrants may enter as individuals or as teams.

To register, contact the United Way of Story County office at 268-5142.

– Compiled by Emily Arthur