LETTER:High fee, no card

Like most students at Iowa State, I received a copy of the Student Data Verification Form. Much to my surprise, the section for the fee card was still there, even though we were told it would be eliminated. Additionally, it did not have the normal info, but a little message about how the fee card was no longer in use.

So, where is the money savings? The “Student Data Verification Form” was still printed. Postage was still paid on each envelope that went out. And now, instead of just printing my name and major on the card, they wasted more of their resources by printing a long, drawn-out message! How is this saving money?

If they were planning on still using these forms, then what’s the point of discontinuing the fee card if it’s already built into the form? The savings have to be a few pennies, and a few pennies times 27,000 is only $810. If they plan on doing this every semester, unless I have a name that’s longer than the message that they print, it’s actually costing them more money to print that message than my name!

Good job, Iowa State. Way to think through things all the way.

Dan Burke


Computer Engineering