LETTER:Hussein doesn’t deserve any mercy

This is in response to Steve Skutnik’s commentary (“Dictator Bush usurping congressional power,” Aug 28) on Bush’s handling of Iraq.

It will be interesting to hear Mr. Skutnik blame Bush and his administration on their reluctance to invade Iraq when Saddam Hussein launches chemical, biological or nuclear weapons at Israel or U.S. troops stationed in the Middle East. I wonder if Mr. Skutnik and the rest of his liberal bleeding heart horde would have been in favor of stopping the hijackers from careening commercial jets into the World Trade Center? Probably not. It would hurt the feelings of the terrorists. Besides, up until September 11 they did not do anything wrong!

Surely extremists and leaders who gas their own citizens are only bad people on the outside. And deep down inside every bomb strapping, American-hating terrorist is a loveable, huggable Democratic voter just waiting to get out! Heck, maybe Mr. Skutnik is right.

Maybe waiting until the U.S. is attacked again and a million lives are lost is the best idea. I mean, who wants to stop people from murdering innocent Americans?

Patrick Kirby

Graduate Student

Political Science