Beat Box

Downey’s drug rehab is successful

Thanks to a successful court-ordered stint in rehab, a Riverside County, California, judge on Friday officially cleared the once-troubled actor of drug charges stemming from his infamous November 2000 arrest in a Palm Springs hotel room.

Despite objections from prosecutors, Superior Court Judge Randall White agreed to end Downey’s probation after the 37-year-old actor successfully completed a one-year drug rehab program.

The decision came during a 90-minute hearing in which Riverside County Deputy District Attorney asked the judge to extend Downey’s probation for another six months for “aftercare treatment.” White, however, said he was pleased with Downey’s probation reports, and the judge-by now well acquainted with the star—wished Downey “good luck.”

Osbourne mom’s cancer spreads

Sharon Osbourne is facing a setback in her battle against colon cancer.

The lively, tough matriarch of MTV’s “The Osbournes” has revealed in an interview with People that her cancer has spread and that she will undergo three months of chemotherapy to contain it.

Osbourne says she remains upbeat and that her prognosis is still “very, very good.”

She says her cancer treatment, which will be documented on the upcoming second season of The Osbournes, will be handled with humor.

“We need to get a different vibe going,” she says of the cancer treatment center. “I think I’ll bring some music, introduce myself, maybe we can sing some songs and cheer the place up . People will see me having chemo. It’ll be interesting.”

Not faring nearly as well over the cancer news is Ozzy, who Sharon says in People, was a complete wreck and “was hysterical, just terrified.” Sharon says her husband was so distraught that a doctor was called to the house to sedate the usually out-of-it Ozzy.

“She’s my whole world,” he tells People. “She’s the best lover I’ve ever had, the best friend I’ve ever had. She has been my pillar of strength for many years.”

-News gathered by Trevor Fisher from