Lavender Graduation recognizes LGBTA students

Thursday will mark the fifth annual Lavender Graduation, a recognition ceremony for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and ally students.

President Gregory Geoffroy will give the welcoming remarks at the ceremony.

This year marks the 10th anniversary for the LGBTSS, the unit of the Dean of Students office that sponsors the Lavender Graduation, and will be the first time an ISU president has spoken at an LGBTSS-sponsored event.

“Because [Lavender Graduation] is held by LGBTSS, it helps to say that the contribution of LGBTA people are valued and appreciated by the university,” said Johnny Rogers, LGBTSS board member who will receive his master’s degree in English.

“I think that one of the strong messages it sends is that there is support. [Lavender Graduation] is a visible way ISU shows support for LGBT people,” said Jeremy Hayes, senior in management information systems and Lavender Graduation participant.

“I think the average ISU student or staff member doesn’t realize the negative responses LGBT people face, because of their sexual preference, on a daily basis,” said David Wallace, associate professor of English.

Rogers said so far there are 12 participants and he is waiting to hear from a few others who may participate. Rogers said that every year the number of participants includes a sizable number of ally students.

“Last year over half of the graduates were allies,” said Rogers.

He said people who attend Lavender Graduation will see the names of the participant and their areas of study, showing that LGBT people exist in a wide range of disciplines at Iowa State.

Wallace said that Lavender Graduation is a very important event which provides support and a sense of safety to LGBT people.

“People make the argument that as long as everyone is treated the same there is equality. I think that’s a load of crap,” Wallace said.

“There are groups of people who are systematically marginalized and just treated badly on a daily basis.”

The Ames chapter of PFLAG, Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, will present each graduate with a special gift.

Lavender Graduation will be from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.

Lavender Graduation was developed by Roni Sanlo, in 1995, at the University of Michigan.

For more on the history of Lavender Graduation, visit