DVD Review – “The Others”

Chris Weishaar

Last summer, while everyone was praising “Moulin Rouge” and Nicole Kidman’s performance therein, another movie starring Kidman came out of practically nowhere to scare and thrill audiences. Now, “The Others” has been released on DVD in a 2-disc set, and it offers the same chills a second time around.

“The Others” is a traditional ghost story that doesn’t rely on special effects, but on atmosphere. The combination of all its elements presents an eerie setting and helps make it an enjoyable movie.

The story itself is very well-written and intriguing, and has many elements to think about both during and after the film. Director Alejandro Amen bar has done a fine job with writing, composing for, and directing the film, creating a creepy atmosphere.

Kidman does an extraordinary job as Grace Stewart and delivers a necessary performance to the role. It’s not just Kidman who does a good job, though; the rest of the core cast does an equally sterling job and each actor brings his character to life.

Sadly, the DVD is not completely what the film deserves. The DVD does succeed with a nice transfer of video and audio, but it is the extras, however, that fail to fully deliver.

The DVD includes a nice special-effects featurette that, while short, gives some interesting insight into how simple shots are created with various elements.

The most interesting extra, however, is the short film on a family with a child suffering from Xeroderma Pigmentosum, the same disease the children in the film suffer from. This piece is interesting, as it explains what the disease is and really helps people understand the actions in the film better.

Overall, though, the package leaves a lot to be desired in extras, and needs staples like a director and/or cast commentary and perhaps more featurettes on hauntings or other related material.

Despite this lack of extras, “The Others” is still a good DVD for the movie alone. It is disappointing not to see more extras on the discs, but perhaps a more thorough special edition will come out in the future. For now, though, it is still fun to sit back and ponder the twists of “The Others,” as well as let it scare you with its classic ghost-story style.

Content: 8 1/2 out of 10

Video/Sound: 5 out of 10

Extras: 8 out of 10