Ames Electric Services to sponsor Energy Fair

In an attempt to educate local residents about energy conservation, the City of Ames Electric Services will sponsor its first Energy Fair this weekend.

The event, which begins at 10 a.m. Saturday in the city gymnasium, 515 Clark Ave., will put Ames residents in touch with energy experts.

“People have questions about energy,” said Steve Wilson, Electric Services energy coordinator. “The fair puts many energy experts and information under one roof.”

The event will feature local vendors’ presentations of energy technologies, devices, processes and services to inform residents about improving home energy use.

“Vendors are free to do business, but are really there to bring their expertise,” Wilson said.

He said it is very important for people of Ames to attend the fair.

“The community grows each year and the source for new electricity is very expensive compared to costs currently, creating higher rates,” Wilson said. “Using less energy will lower bills and then keep rates low.”

Clare Bills, city public relations officer, said she thinks the fair will be helpful to ISU students who live in off-campus rental houses or apartments.

“Learning to use energy-efficient products will save them money in the long run,” Bills said.

Wilson said ISU students can learn things at the fair to help them later in life.

“Students are all about learning,” Wilson said. “They take what they learn with them – a basic understanding of energy. The majority are not homeowners, but would be learning these things for when it will be important to know them.”