LETTER:Show some financial independence

Vaughn Rupnow

Aaron Weiner’s letter to the editor Monday (“Note to students: GSB worthless”) made me feel, for the most part, total agreement. GSB is worthless, but if that is the way a few students would like to spend their time, it doesn’t bother me all that much. Yeah, they don’t accomplish much, but it makes them feel like they are gaining some sort of experience by doing so.

I would have no problems with Weiner’s stance if he would have simply deleted the final few sentences of the letter. This is where he began to state that he was leaving Iowa State because his family could not afford it. This angers me because I, like many other students, pay for my college expenses by myself, even though my family could afford to help out. After three years I have racked up a substantial debt, but have not quit. The point of going to college is to get a degree, which will ultimately help to repay my loans. Seeing that Weiner is a finance major, he should be in an even better position than I, as far as at least understanding the logistics of debt, money, etc. For crying out loud, he is a junior in college. Show some financial independence from Mommy and Daddy.

Vaughn Rupnow


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