Indian music, culture to be presented

Luke Rolfes

This Sunday Indian culture and music will fill Fisher Theater at 7 p.m. Friday. The Society for Indian Tradition and Arts (SiTaR) and the Iowa Arts council is presenting a concert, titled “Alaap,” which features Indian classical music.

Rajeev Taranath headlines this musical event, bringing prestige in his playing of the sarod. The sarod is a lute-like instrument, originating from India. It is fretless and has 25 strings, allowing for a large pitch range.

Taranath has studied with many of the top musicians in India, including the famed Ravi Shankar, according to SiTaR’s web page.

He is a highly decorated musician, receiving the Indian Government’s highest award for art, the Sangeet Natak Akademi Award.

Accompanying Taranath is Swapan Chaudhari on the tabla. The tabla is an Indian set of small drums played with the hands and fingertips in rapid motion.

This is a rare opportunity for ISU students to experience the culture of India, says Ganesh Sriram, president of SiTaR.

“The foremost reason for an ISU student to attend the concert is the opportunity of experiencing a unique performing art by an exponent of high caliber. This is not a common opportunity, since Indian classical music artists rarely travel to and perform in Iowa,” says Sriram.

The event is open to all students. Prices for the show are $8 for ISU students and $14 for non-students, with reduced ticket prices for SiTaR members.