Rearview Mirror will play in Ames Saturday

Randy Webb

Rearview Mirror has kept a busy schedule since the Cresco band graced the Maintenance Shop’s stage in February, and now they’re back for Veishea.

Since inking a deal with Steve Lillywhite’s Gobstopper Records late last year, the group has spread its Creed-esque sound across the Midwest, playing several shows a week in clubs and college towns from Minnesota to Louisiana.

The band has been perpetuating the industry buzz that got it noticed, as well as continuing to generate regional and national anticipation for its upcoming album, “All Lights Off,” which is slated for a late spring release, according to the band’s Web site.

Rearview Mirror will be performing at Veishea before leaving for shows in Cedar Falls and Storm Lake on a tour leg that will end up in Cincinnati, Ohio, on May 10, according to the Web site.

The band’s members, who are all under 21 years old, promise to deliver a great show, putting forth a “good rocking bunch of songs” without sounding “cheeseball,” said bassist Jason Ptacek in a previous Iowa State Daily article.

A self-description of that nature might seem mandatory for any band signed by Steve Lillywhite. Lillywhite, well-known in the music industry to be a demanding producer, boasts an impressive resume. The following albums all bear the mark of his production talents: U2’s “War,” “The Joshua Tree” and “All That You Can’t Leave Behind;” the Dave Matthews Band’s “Under the Table and Dreaming,” “Crash” and “Before These Crowded Streets;” “Phish’s “Billy Breathes;” the list, quite literally, goes on and on.

As a testament to the experience of being in the studio with Lillywhite, Rearview Mirror guitarist Matt Olson said in a previous Daily article, “It was good. He really pushed us.”

“It was an experience,” said vocalist Adam Ptacek.

“Which at the time we didn’t really like so much,” added a jovial T.J. Kammer, the band’s drummer.

The band will bring this mix to the Taste of Veishea s tage on Saturday.