LETTER:Not all Christians behave the same
April 9, 2002
The torn and defaced posters in the display in the Memorial Union grabbed my attention. I wondered who had devised such a provocative way of illustrating intolerance and hatred. Then the cold, harsh reality hit me. This was not a dramatization or artistic interpretation. This was the real thing.
The vandalism of the LBGTAA Awareness Day posters is saddening enough, but my grief is deepened by the knowledge that at least some of this was done by people who will claim their acts are Christ-like.
Even worse, many others who already see Christianity as hypocritical, hateful and corrupt will have one more bit of evidence to support their stance.
Not all Christians believe or act this way. The Reconciling Statement at Collegiate United Methodist Church (home of the United Methodist Student Center/Wesley Foundation) states, in part, that our church “welcomes and affirms all persons without regard to gender, ethnic background, sexual orientation, national origin or anything else which threatens to divide God’s family.” The statement concludes, “In our quest to follow the example of Christ, we will employ no circles of exclusion and we commit ourselves to loving acts of invitation, hospitality and reconciliation, providing ministry to, for and with all persons without exception.”
I am proud to be part of a congregation and campus ministry where gay and lesbian persons and those who know, love and support them can find strength, guidance hope and a community of faith. Our Student Center is hosting a time of prayer at 7 p.m. this Thursday in our Student Lounge. You are invited to join us as we pray for love and understanding.
Rev. Jim Shirbroun
Campus Minister
Collegiate United Methodist Church/Wesley Foundation