Athletic department spring sale Saturday

Cyclone fans have the opportunity to score some new gear at the athletic department’s spring sale.

Rain or shine, the sale will go on Saturday from 9 a.m. until the start of the Cyclones’ spring football game at 1:30 p.m. in a tent at the northeast corner of Jack Trice Stadium.

Among the items for sale are football and men’s basketball game and practice jerseys, polo shirts, T-shirts, thermals, jackets, coats and shoes from many of the men’s and women’s athletic teams. Also included are items from the men’s swimming and baseball programs that were cut from the university’s athletic department.

All items will be clothing- or shoe-related, which means there won’t be any sports balls or protective equipment for sale, said Matt Lewis, head athletic equipment coordinator. Lewis said many large-sized clothes will be available, ranging from medium to XXXXL.

“The spring sale used to be held the weekend before finals in State Gym,” said James Meier, athletic equipment manager. Last year was the first time the annual event was in conjunction with Veishea and the football team’s spring game.

While it gets hectic for the athletic department during Veishea weekend, Meier said the extra burden is well worth the sales generated by the additional foot traffic at the stadium for the spring game.

Meier said NCAA rules prohibit student athletes from keeping team apparel, with the exception of seniors who are no longer eligible to play collegiate sports. The athletes will, however, be invited an hour before the sale is open to the public to buy their own apparel at the same prices.

The proceeds of the sale will primarily go into the general athletics fund, Lewis said.

While one of the purposes of the sale is to bring funds into the athletic department, Lewis said another major purpose of the sale is to get rid of items that have been in storage and “haven’t been used for a while.”

Meier said Cyclone fans call the athletic department all year long in search of jerseys and other team apparel for birthday and Christmas gifts.

“If you’re an Iowa State fan, this is a good opportunity to get authentic Iowa State apparel,” Meier said.