LETTER:Trying to pull the cloth over all of our eyes

Matt Harbur

Reporter Megan Hind’s misspelling in her article about the latest protest by the “Muslin Student Organization” (sic) could not have been more appropriate, as that group continues to try to pull the cloth over our eyes about the Middle Eastern conflict. In presenting only photographs of Palestinian victims, they refuse to acknowledge the great amount of blood that is on Palestinian hands as well. They also fail to acknowledge the role that other Arab states are playing in bankrolling this violence.

The comparison of Palestinian and Holocaust victims could not be a more grievous error. Palestinian civilians have undoubtedly died in recent conflicts, but it is Yasser Arafat, not Ariel Sharon, who has adopted Hitler’s policy of destroying unarmed civilians. As someone who lost relatives in the Holocaust, I find the comparison between Israelis and Nazis extremely offensive.

As I have said before, we must work for peace for all in the Middle East, and I wonder how many more thinly-veiled attacks we must endure from the Muslin Student Organization before they adopt such a bipartisan approach.

Matt Harbur

Graduate student
