LETTER:World’s largest egos causing problems

Arthur Templin

What gives Americans the right to invade other countries’ privacy? Is it the fact that we are the most powerful nation in the world? Is it the fact that a group of non-Americans committed a terrible act of terrorism upon our country? Is it the fact that we want the world to revolve around our ideals and our superiority?

No. It is the fact that the American people boast the world’s largest egos. And as keepers of the world’s largest egos, we believe there is no business that is not American business.

What has this “American Ego” done for us? It has turned citizens of foreign nations all over the world into anti-Americans. Believe it or not, foreigners don’t like it when we invade their land and disturb their lives. This ego of superiority, this mediator of all ego, has caused other countries, primarily Third World countries, through our help, to become momentarily better.

However, in the long run we will realize that these countries have, in fact, worsened through our generosity, for instead of looking to and within themselves in times of need, they rely solely on the United States.

As soon as we decide to let these countries live their own lives again, we will find that they are worse off than they were before we began our aid. They now, on top of all other problems, know not how to take care of themselves.

By invading other countries’ privacy, we create two kinds of relationships between us and them. One of hatred toward the United States and one of complete reliance upon the United States. Neither of the preceding seems like a healthy relationship. Ask yourself; would you like it if another country tried to control you?

Arthur Templin


Civil Engineering